
您所在的位置:网站首页 is he reading a book翻译 第48期:E·B·怀特给孩子们的信


2024-06-30 16:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


April 14, 19711971年4月14日Dear Children of Troy:亲爱的特洛伊孩子们:Your librarian has asked me to write, telling you what a library can mean to you.你们的图书管理员让我写封信,告诉你们图书馆于你们而言意味着什么IgA;lK.h[F1cP%m。A library is many things. It's a place to go, to get in out of the rain.图书馆是许多东西ODMR2zB(WkjoTf。你们可以来这里,遮风避雨hwjfR#f(UU)&pU9VoM。It's a place to go if you want to sit and think.你们可以来这里,静坐冥想|NYyCBTWZs]IK。But particularly it is a place where books live, and where you can get in touch with other people, and other thoughts, through books.更可贵的是,这个地方藏书万千,在这里,你可以通过阅读认识其他人,接触到其他的思想!~=L=%lPU8-ug。




If you want to find out about something, the information is in the reference books---the dictionaries, the encyclopedias, the atlases.如果你想了解某些事物,不妨借助一些参考书中——字典、百科全书、地图册查阅信息T#=PxT5)aXL[6DyP!。If you like to be told a story, the library is the place to go.如果你喜欢听别人讲故事,图书馆更是不二之选vX!rH4|hb]Ms。Books hold most of the secrets of the world, most of the thoughts that men and women have had.图书中蕴藏着世界上大多数秘密,还有男性和女性的大部分思想mbD_Id|yoT.eYDN。And when you are reading a book, you and the author are alone together---just the two of you.当你沉迷于阅读时,全世界只剩下你和作者两人独处l#~,L8GO5Y~|r9。A library is a good place to go when you feel unhappy, for there, in a book, you may find encouragement and comfort.当你抑郁或心情低落时,图书馆是个疗伤的好去处,因为在那里,恣意徜徉在书海中,你能获得鼓励和慰藉Nk,G@bCgzbgO[Uh。A library is a good place to go when you feel bewildered or undecided, for there, in a book, you may have your question answered.当你困惑或犹豫不决时,图书馆是个解惑的好去处,因为在那里,尽情攀登知识的阶梯,你的疑惑可能会迎刃而解=13-MaBhef;b。Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people---people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book.无论悲伤或者快乐,书籍永远是岁月长河中最忠实的伙伴,因为所谓“书籍”——是那些藏身封面间并设法生存下来的智者7PbqNR0Z0pelG#c。







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